"I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own." --John Bartlett

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Look with Edison at his deafness, with Milton at his blindness, with Bunyan at his imprisonment, and see how patience converted these very misfortunes into good fortunes.
Michaelangelo went to Rome to carve statues, and found that other artists had taken over all the Carrara marble--all but one crooked and misshapen piece. He sat down before this and studied with infinite patience its very limitations, until he found that by bending the head of a statue here, and lifting its arms there, he could create a masterpiece: thus, The Boy David was produced.
Let us sit down in front of our very .limitations, and with the aid of patience dare to produce, with God's help, a masterpiece!" --Springs in the Valley