"I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own." --John Bartlett

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We had our piano pulled out from the wall last week because my dad was painting. While it was out, I had my little brother (Jacob) and the 10-year-old girl I nanny (Claire) vacuum it out one day to clean up the dust. I was working on something else, but heard him say, "So, one of Leah's friends is playing for the wedding and she was over here the other day and played some of the stuff and she said it wasn't even good or ready but it was like... so good. She was like, using both hands way high and way low and all over and all these different notes and it was amazing." --Leah Stegman

Who needs a resume when a 10-year-old says this about you? Not me.